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St Charles IL Fence Options

Straddling the scenic Fox River, St Charles rated number one in the nation in the Family Circle magazine list of family friendly U.S. towns, and when you live here, you already know why. Keep your own family safe at home with St Charles IL Fence Options from SP Fence.

Wood Fencing

It may have been a couple centuries since the first wooden fences began to spring up around the Village of Roses, but some things never go out of style. Today’s wood fences are more elegant and cosmopolitan.

Wood fences are a classic and versatile choice for residential and commercial properties, offering a range of styles, durability, and natural beauty. Here's a comprehensive look at wood fences:

Types of Wood for Fences

Cedar: Known for its natural resistance to insects and decay, cedar is a popular choice. It's lightweight, durable, and has an attractive reddish-brown color.
Pine: Pressure-treated pine is a cost-effective option that can withstand the elements when properly treated. It can be stained or painted to achieve different aesthetics.
Wood fences enhance the beauty of outdoor spaces with their warm, organic appearance. They can be stained or painted to match any design theme. With proper maintenance, wood fences can last for many years. Regular sealing, staining, or painting helps protect against weathering, rot, and insect damage.

PVC Fencing

If you would like to keep up the traditional appearance of a wooden fence without worrying about maintenance, consider the option of a vinyl fence.

Aluminum Fencing

Another elegant old standby is the iron fence, a look which is carried on today with long lasting aluminum.

Give us a call at (630) 514-2558 for fencing quotes!


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